The LSS products were used in one of the most important underground music Festival in Italy the famous “ Suona Bee”.
LSS NFM16 new water Proof Column Array Loudspeaker
LSS Korean Team supported the realization of SongDaeGwan, TaeJinA conert, one of the most famous Korean singer.
In the suggestive historic centre of Graz took place the KLANLICHT 2016, one of the most important ”Sound and Light” festival in Centre of Europe.
With the aim of supporting and promoting new talented musicians LSS is official Partner of the wmfrockcontest initiative promoted by Virgin Radio.
Two days of live music, workshop, products demonstration and business meeting
The LSS products due to high reliability, sound fidelity and power has been selected for the installation at famous “Chalet del Bosco” one of the most exclusive venue in Rome.
In the unique and fantastic location of Westerland the peninsula at the boarder between Danimark and Germany, LSS equipment were installed in one of the most tradional pub in the region, the famous Klähblatt Pub.
In the continuous effort of promoting sound engineer skills and competencies LSS, Sound People Company (LSS Korean Distributor) sponsored an international series of seminar focus on pro audio fix installation technique.
The LSS veritile and compact Pulce system ensure superior sound performance in a broad range of applications. As stated by Jae Lee, Project Manager at living Sound, “LSS Pulce speaker is one of the best solution for Podium monitoring.
Come and discover LSS products at the Pro Light and Sound Russia, 15-17 September 2016, stand 4B19.
Two days of live music, workshop, products demonstration and business meeting